Startet am Friday, 05/05/2017
Price from 10.00 €



Standing authentically. Using the practice of Samasthiti to find a more natural approach to all asana practices. Using Surya Namaskara (sun salutations) and standing posture practices to understand how our Samskaras (impressions/imprints in the deeper structure of the mind) drive us. Clearing the Samskaras is Nirodha and the purpose of practice. We are left with a sense of ease in our body, clarity in our mind.

Bio, Chuck Miller

I don't know exactly when I first got interested in yoga. It seems the urge was there from a very early age. I think that is true for many of us. We don't know what it is that is calling us and yet we definitely feel it. What is interesting is what makes us answer the call! What you can no longer ignore!

My best friend and I, in 4th grade, decided, for some reason, that we wanted to sit in padmasana, so we did. It wasn't easy for us at first but we kept trying. I have no idea how we got the idea in the first place! 'Mad Magazine?' HA! ;->

I found myself years later, in high school, like many of us in the 60s, dissatisfied with the world I found myself living in. I was searching for some other way to live and grow, to evolve as a human being. I could not relate to the religion I was born into and started reading books about eastern thought. Authors like DT Suzuki, Suzuki Roshi, Alan Watts, Herman Hess, Chogyam Trungpa and many others. I became a voracious reader at an early age.

In 1971, at the age of 17, a friend and I went to hear a free lecture on Transcendental Meditation in our local elementary school, Killington, Vermont. A very small rural town in the Green Mountains of 'New England.' The man was talking about following one's thoughts back to where they came from, as they bubbled up through multiple layers of awareness until they surfaced into our consciousness. That it might be possible to get to the source of thought! To be able to think from the origin of thought, instead of from the outer shells. To act from a deeper place! More instinct, without being trapped in the realms of cyclic thought! They were trying to sell us on returning the next day, paying our $35 to take a short course and receive a free personalized mantra.

I didn't go but the concept intrigued me and I began to practice it, on a giant rock in my back yard. It was an amazing experience for me. I began to realize that all the different voices in my head were all my own voice. I was talking to myself. I realized this is how people believe they are talking to spirits or gods, or also what can make people think they are crazy!

Later that year I found a book, 'Be Here Now,' by Baba Ram Das, which included simple pranayama and asana practices which I also included on a daily basis. I was hooked! It connected many of the missing links I was struggling with. The title of the book became my mantra!

In 1974 I found the book Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar. The Introduction was one of the most profound things I had ever read. I began working through the practices contained in there. they were laid out in weekly routines, with photos in a different part of the book and descriptions for how to do the postures in yet another place! Complicated!

The book became my constant companion, I had a special pocket for it in my backpack. It was complicated but I was motivated and after about 3 years I had managed to get to the recommended week 35 or so. I thought that I must be a very slow student! Years later talking to others who tried the same I found that actually I had done pretty well!

In 1980, intrigued that here was a man who had studied with the same teacher as Iyengar, I met Sri K Pattabhi Jois. When he asked me who my teacher was I replied 'book.' What book he asked. 'Light on Yoga.' Oh, you are Iyengar student! So he called me that for the first month as I began practicing Ashtanga Yoga. I continued with him intensively for many years and intermittently until his death.

In March of 1988 I got permission from Guru-jito teach Primary Series and was pushed into the yoga room and began teaching Ashtanga Yoga. I taught in the same school, almost the same time for 17 years. Many of the students came for years and years. It was a great experience for me. I hope it was for them as well!

After selling the school and moving to Hawaii Island, 'The Big Island,' I began accepting invitations to teach in other cities around the world and continue to do that today.

. that continues today! I found the same internal truths in the deeper realms of all great practices and started calling the conflicts between them 'semantic differences.'

Today I like to point to what I call 'Sama,' as that sameness that exists everywhere.

Finding the sameness between Philosophy and Practice continues to inform my practice and thus my teaching.


1.05/05/201709:30 - 16:00131 Seestraße -, 13353 Berlinnot specified
2.06/05/201709:30 - 16:00131 Seestraße -, 13353 Berlinnot specified
3.07/05/201709:30 - 16:00131 Seestraße -, 13353 Berlinnot specified



Workshops (WS), Veranstaltungen/Events (E) & Yoga Retreats (YR) Buchungen sind persönlich, nicht übertragbar, und werden nicht zurückerstattet. Wird eine WS, E oder YR bezahlt, jedoch nie oder nur teilweise verwendet, verfällt Preis nach ihrem Inkrafttreten. Es gibt keine Rückerstattung für abgelaufene WS-, E- oder YR-Buchungen. WS-, E- oder YR-Buchungen können für Krankheiten, Unfälle und / oder wichtige persönliche Gründe (zB Beerdigung) nach den folgenden Richtlinien abgesagt werden: WS und E's: Bei Stornierung von mehr als 3 Wochen im Voraus: Eine Stornogebühr von 20% der vollen Gebühr fällt an, die Differenz wird zurückerstattet. Weniger als 3 Wochen im Voraus: Keine Rückerstattung findet statt, es sei denn, die WS oder E ist ausgebucht und wir können deinen Platz weiterverkaufen. Wenn der letzte Fall zutrifft, erstatten wir so zurück, als ob Du 3 Wochen im Voraus storniert hättest.

YRs: Eine Stornierung der YR-Buchung ist bis zum Beginn des YR mit einer Stornierungsgebühr von 90% des vollen YR-Preises möglich (Basispreis zuzüglich etwaiger Nebenkosten für Extras). Die Stornierungsgebühr wird jedoch auf 10% des vollen YR-Preises gesenkt, falls alle Spots des YR - einschließlich der durch Stornierungen frei gewordenen Räume – verkauft werden können, oder der der Annullierende eine Ersatzperson findet, welche das YR nicht anderweitig gebucht hätte und nicht auf einer Yoga Rebellion Warteliste für das YR steht. Es steht dir frei, Yoga Rebellion zu beweisen, dass die Stornierung uns keinen Verlust oder Schaden verursacht hat, oder dass der Verlust oder der Schaden wesentlich niedriger als die oben genannten Stornogebühren sind. Yoga Rebellion lässt dich hiermit wissen, dass du deine finanziellen Annullierungsrisiken senken kannst, indem du eine spezielle Reiserücktrittsversicherung abschließen. Eine solche Versicherung müsste etwa zur gleichen Zeit abgeschlossen werden, wenn du deine Zahlung für die YR tätigst.

Yoga Rebellion kann dein Recht auf die Teilnahme an der YR stornieren und deinen Platz an jemand andern abgeben, wenn du nicht die volle YR-Gebühr in der vorgegebenen Zeit bezahlst, obwohl du von Yoga Rebellion zweimal ohne Erfolg erinnert worden bist. In diesem Fall hat Yoga Rebellion Anspruch auf eine Stornogebühr in der im vorstehenden Absatz genannten Höhe.

Wenn der YR für die Yoga Rebellion wirtschaftlich unvernünftig, unmöglich oder gefährlich ist (z.B. zu wenige Teilnehmer, Krieg, Epidemien), behält sich Yoga Rebellion das Recht vor, den Retreat zu stornieren, wobei die Yoga Rebellion deine Zahlungen für den Retreat zurückerstattet. Sowie etwaige angemessene Verluste und Kosten, die dir aufgrund von Vorabbuchungsregelungen (wie etwa Flüge) entstanden sind. Keine anderen Schäden werden von Yoga Rebellion bezahlt.

Yoga Rebellion behält sich auch das Recht vor, dein Recht auf Teilnahme an der YR ohne vorherige Ankündigung, wenn du das Retreat störst oder wenn du massiv deine Pflichten oder Pflichten vernachlässigen. In diesem Fall müssen Sie alle weiteren Rückflugkosten selbst bezahlen.

Wenn einer der Lehrer aus irgendwelchen Gründen, wie höherer Gewalt, Krankheit oder anderen ähnlichen Widrigkeiten nicht am Retreat teilnehmen kann, ist Yoga Rebellion berechtigt, ihn oder sie durch einen Lehrer mit gleicher oder ähnlicher Qualifikation zu ersetzen. Sollte ein derartiger Fall vor Beginn des YR eintreten und du aus diesem Grund die Buchung des Retreats stornieren möchtest, musst du nur die Hälfte der im vorigen Abschnitt genannten Stornogebühren bezahlen. Ansonsten schuldet Yoga Rebellion dir keine Reduzierung der Retreat Preises oder Schäden dafür, dass ein bestimmter Lehrer nicht am Retreat teilnehmen kann.


Workshops (WS), Events (E) & Yoga Retreats (YR) bookings are personal, not transferable and not refundable. If a WS, E or YR is paid, but never or only partly used, it expires after its effective date. There is no reimbursement for expired WS, E or YR bookings. WS, E or YR bookings can be cancelled for illness, accidents and/or important personal reasons (ex: funeral) according to the next policies: WS's & E's. If cancelled 3 weeks in advanced: cancellation fee of 20% of the entire fee of the workshop or event. Less than 3 weeks: No refund unless the WS or E is fully booked and we can resale your place. If the last case applies, we will refund you as if cancelled 3 weeks in advance.

YR's. Cancellation of the YR booking is possible until the beginning of the YR with a cancellation fee of 90% of the full YR price (base price plus any additional charges for extras). The cancellation fee, however, will be reduced to 10% of the full YR price, in case all spots of the YR–including any spaces that became free due to cancelations are sold out, or if the cancelling student finds a replacement person for him/her, who would not have booked the YR otherwise and who also is not on any Yoga Rebellion waiting list for the YR. You are free to prove to Yoga Rebellion that your cancellation did not cause us any loss or damage or that such loss or damages are substantially lower than the cancellation fees mentioned above. Yoga Rebellion hereby advises you that you may lower your financial cancellation risks by obtaining a special travel cancellation insurance. Such insurance would have to be obtained at about the same time you make your payment for the YR.

Yoga Rebellion may cancel your right to take part in the YR and sell your spot to someone else if you fail to pay the full YR fee in time despite having been reminded by Yoga Rebellion two times without success. In this case, Yoga Rebellion is entitled to a cancellation fee in the amount stated in the preceding paragraph.

In case the completion of the YR becomes economically unreasonable, impossible or dangerous for Yoga Rebellion (ex: not enough participants, war or epidemics), Yoga Rebellion reserves the right to cancel the retreat in which case Yoga Rebellion will refund your payments for the retreat as well as any reasonable losses and costs you incurred due to pre-booking travel arrangements (like flights). No other damages will be paid by Yoga Rebellion.

Yoga Rebellion also reserves the right to forfeit your right to take part in the YR without notice if you interfere with the retreat or if you massively break your obligations or duties. In this case you will have to pay any additional return trip costs on your own.

If any one of the presenters is not able to teach at the retreat for any reasons of force majeure, illness or other similar adverseness, Yoga Rebellion is entitled to have him or her substituted by the 2nd. presenter or by any other presenter with the same or similar qualification. If such unavailability of a presenter emerges before the beginning of the YR and if you cancel you retreat booking for this reason, you only have to pay half of the cancellation fees set out in the preceding section. Other than that, Yoga Rebellion will not owe you any reduction of the retreat price or any damages for any such unavailability or change of presenters.

* All prices including VAT