Kashmir Shaivism Course  @ Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga
Kashmir Shaivism Course  @ Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga

Kashmir Shaivism Course

Kashmir Shaivism Course  @ Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga
Kashmir Shaivism Course  @ Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga

Shaivism is a path to discover the nature of reality, the mysterious relationship between what is finite and all that is infinite, and who we really are, the essential Self. Shaivism reached its pinnacle in Kashmir as a non-dual – Advaita – approach to Tantra Yoga, embracing all that exists as essentially spiritual. Everything is consciousness.

What you will learn This course embarks on that path step by step, unfolding the cosmology and symbolism of Kashmir Shaivism as the basis for many practices and initiations on this Liberation Way.

You will be initiated — among many other topics — in the following:

  • Spirituality in daily life
  • Sanskrit as a sacred alphabet
  • Methods to awaken Consciousness
  • The mysteries of the 36 essential aspects of manifestation (tattvas)
  • Practical study of the Shiva sutras & other tantric texts
  • Initiatory and practical study of certain fundamental treatises of the Kashmir Shaivism: Shiva Sutra, Spanda Karika, Vijnana Bhairava Tantra etc.
  • The mysteries of the phonemic divine energies (of the creative divine Logos)
  • The Essential paths to spiritual liberation:
  • – the path of the Limited Being — Anavopaya
  • – the path of the Deifying Energy — Shaktopaya
  • – the path of Shiva — Shambavopaya; the Supreme Path (or the Path without steps) —Anupaya
  • Full revelation, from an efficient, practical perspective, of the 112 major direct methods of enlightenment contained in the esoteric treatise Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, which confer the revelation of the Immortal Supreme Self (Atman) and ecstatic, full union with God.
  • Esoteric methods to profoundly, intensely activate the subtle centres of force (Chakras) and of all their „petals“ (specific vibratory directions)


Samstag, 21. November 2020


10:00 - 12:30

(150 min)





Online Stream

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  • Dieses Studio benutzt Zoom als Streaming Anbieter. Lade dir die entsprechende App auf deinen Laptop, Tablet oder Smartphone herunter

  • Zugang zum Online Stream ist ab 15 Minuten vor Beginn der Aktivität verfügbar. Geh auf "Meine Buchungen" und klicke "Jetzt zur Online-Übertragung" um zum Stream weitergeleitet zu werden

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15,00 €





(Noch keine Bewertungen)


Stornierungen sind online auf Eversport bis zu 24 Stunden vor Beginn möglich.

Kashmir Shaivism Course


Samstag, 21. November 2020


10:00 - 12:30

(150 min)


