*ENGLISCH* Led Class - Half/Full Primary  @ Ashtanga Yoga Institut München
*ENGLISCH* Led Class - Half/Full Primary  @ Ashtanga Yoga Institut München

*ENGLISCH* Led Class - Half/Full Primary


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*ENGLISCH* Led Class - Half/Full Primary  @ Ashtanga Yoga Institut München
*ENGLISCH* Led Class - Half/Full Primary  @ Ashtanga Yoga Institut München

In this class you can choose to practice the whole first series in traditional Vinyasa Count, or you can go into the final sequence after half of the first series, shortening the class to about 75 minutes.

You should know the sequence to some extent and know how to do easier variations. If you are new to Ashtanga Yoga, we recommend doing only half of the first series.

In traditional Ashtanga Yoga, in contrast to the AYI classes, the announcements are reduced ('Led Class'). Only the asana names are announced and the breathing is 'counted'. The goal is to establish a common breathing rhythm in the room and to flow together. Therefore, the practitioner should already have some experience especially in Ashtanga Yoga.

On Sunday we invite you to join for a cup of freshly brewed Indian chai tea and talks for after the class.

In dieser Stunde kannst du wahlweise die ganze erste Serie im traditionellen Vinyasa Count üben, oder du gehst nach der halben ersten Serie in die Abschluss Sequenz und kürzt die Stunde somit auf ca. 75 Minuten ab.

Du solltest den Ablauf einigermaßen kennen und wissen wie du evtl. leichtere Varianten ausführen kannst. Wenn du noch nicht so lange Ashtanga Yoga machst empfehlen wir nur die halbe erste Serie zu machen.

Beim traditionellen Ashtanga Yoga sind die Ansagen im Unterschied zu den AYI Stunden reduziert ('Led Class'). Es werden nur die Asana-Namen angesagt und die Atmung 'gecountet', also gezählt. Ziel ist es, einen gemeinsamen Atemrhythmus im Raum zu etablieren und gemeinsam zu fließen. Deswegen sollte die/der Übende schon etwas Erfahrung speziell im Ashtanga Yoga mitbringen.

Am Sonntag laden wir Dich zu einer Tasse frisch gebrühtem indischen Chai-Tee und zu Gesprächen im Anschluss an die Stunde ein.


Freitag, 26. November 2021


07:00 - 08:30

(90 min)




Thorwaldsenstraße 29, 80335 München





"To me, Yoga is more than just an asana practice. Since Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences, I believe that to get the most benefit from a Yoga asana practice, one must try and incorporate all the 8 limbs of Yoga and follow an Sattvic Ayurvedic diet. " Sanjay was exposed to Yoga and Ayurveda having grown up in a traditional Hindu family in Bangalore/Mysore, India. He studied engineering and lived in Boston, USA for 25 years before quitting the corporate world and moving to Munich, Germany as a freelance photographer. In 2011, Sanjay started studying Ashtanga Yoga in Boston, USA with George Whiteside and Jean Cho. From 2012, he studied at the KPJAYI (Krishna Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute), Mysore, India under the guidance of Sri Sharath Jois, spending 3-4 months at the shala each year. In 2017, he was authorized to teach by Sri Sharath Jois. Sanjay has many years of experience in Ayurvedic cooking learned from his family, self-study and his own personal experience following an Ayurvedic diet to supplement his yoga practice. He enjoys teaching Ashtanga Yoga and Ayurvedic cooking. He has been studying the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi since 2013.


authorised by KPJAYI


10,00 €



0,00 €


0,00 €


0,00 €

WellPass Mitglieder

15,00 €

eine Woche (maximal gültig bis 13.10.2023)

18,00 €


18,00 €


20,00 €

3 Stunden testen innerhalb von einem Monat (maximal gültig bis 13.10.2023)

45,00 €

Ein Monat (maximal gültig bis 13.10.2023)

105,00 €

Last offer (gültig bis 13.10.2023)




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1 Stunde vor Beginn

*ENGLISCH* Led Class - Half/Full Primary


Freitag, 26. November 2021


07:00 - 08:30

(90 min)