Ecstatic Dance | Barfuss Tanzen

Startet am Friday, 07/02/2020
Price from 10.00 €


Ecstatic Dance with Thomas Arta A deep tribal-shamanic beats and bass journey! BE YOURSELF. BE TOGETHER. BE FREE!

Achtung! Ab 19:45h sind die Türen zu!!! Bitte bis 19.30h da sein! Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Ecstatic dance

About the journey The music will take us on a journey of several hours, starting slow and meditative before and moving through playful moments, earth-shaking bass, hypnotic beats, shamanic spaces and ending with blissful stillness. We will open and close the journey in a circle ⭕️ with group connection and integration to bring us back to earth before going home.

Info on Ecstatic dance (Courtesy of Ecstatic Dance Zürich) Ecstatic Dance empowers people of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds to freely express themselves; the liberating atmosphere creates a melting pot of acceptance and the fearlessness with which others move gives newbies permission and courage to dance without inhibition.

What happens on the dance floor? You are welcome to dance, move and to be in silence or stillness, however you please. We ask that all honor the shared space and one another.

Why we don’t talk on the dance floor? At Ecstatic Dance, we join together to create a sacred space for dancing. No talking on the dance floor allows us to move out of our heads and into our bodies, hearts, and spirits. We leave behind the words and worries of the day, and connect with spirit and each other in new ways.

Thomas Arta Brings together over a decade of work as a professional musician with a deep love of ceremony, shamanic work and music that connects us, moves us and speaks to our soul.

A transformative coach, facilitator and yoga teacher trainer, he enjoys creating spaces of possibility where humour and lightness can dance with depth and stillness. 17 € / 15 € für Arbeitslose/Studenten | Alleinerziehende und Arbeitslose

Teacher :


AcroYoga Teacher


1.07/02/202019:15 - 23:00Sternstraße 32, 48145 MünsterThomas

* All prices including VAT