Cancellation conditions
13/01/2025 - 19/01/2025
Mo., 13/01
Tu., 14/01
We., 15/01
Th., 16/01
Fr., 17/01
Sa., 18/01
Su., 19/01
- 16:00 ● 75 MinYin Yogamore than 5 spotsFriederike
- 18:30 ● 75 MinStretch & RelaxCancelled
- 18:00 ● 75 MinShake the Dustmore than 5 spotsFriederike
Mo., 13/01
Tu., 14/01
- 18:30 ● 75 MinStretch & RelaxCancelled
We., 15/01
Th., 16/01
- 18:00 ● 75 MinShake the Dustmore than 5 spotsFriederike
Fr., 17/01
- 16:00 ● 75 MinYin Yogamore than 5 spotsFriederike
Sa., 18/01
Su., 19/01
* All prices including VAT