1 Unit
Cancellation conditions
12 months
35.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 12 months
5 participations / 5 weeks
12 months
40.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 12 months
5 participations / 5 weeks
6 months
42.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 6 months
5 participations / 5 weeks
12 months
45.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 12 months
5 participations / 5 weeks
6 months
47.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 6 months
5 participations / 5 weeks
3 months
49.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 3 months
5 participations / 5 weeks
6 months
52.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 6 months
5 participations / 5 weeks
3 months
54.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 3 months
5 participations / 5 weeks
3 months
59.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 3 months
5 participations / 5 weeks
12 months
80.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 12 months
Unlimited participations
6 months
95.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 6 months
Unlimited participations
3 months
110.00 €
Per month
Minimum runtime: 3 months
Unlimited participations
Ferien Special
1 Unit
1 week
30.00 €
2 Units
2 Units
2 Units
6 weeks
120.00 €
Neu bei Calaneya?
2 Units
Trial offer
1 month
50.00 €
Trial offer
3 months
29.99 €
49.99 €
6er Karten
6 Units
6 Units
6 Units
10 Units
12er Karten
12 Units
12 Units
Basistarif 60 Minuten // 12 Monate Mindestlaufzeit
- 3 Monate Mindestlaufzeit
- Kündigungsfrist 1 Monat
- Präsenzunterricht inklusive Online Academy, All-You-Can-Dance Ferien Specials, Rabatt bei Workshops und Projekten
Dein Kurs findet wöchentlich während der Schulzeiten statt. Bitte teile uns mit, in welchem Kurs wir dir einen Platz reservieren sollen.
Payment terms & cancellation
- Balance & Turns - Contemporary Technik Special (Summer Specials)
- Ballett 1
- Ballett 1 (Summer Specials)
- Ballett 1-2
- Ballett 2 (Summer Specials)
- Ballett Kids
- Ballett Kids (Summer Specials)
- Ballett Kids (Summer Specials)
- Ballett Kids & Teens (NEU ab 5 Anmeldungen)
- Ballett Vorstufe
- Ballett Vorstufe (Summer Specials)
- Bauchtanz Kids (Sonderangebot zum Schnuppern)
- Bauchtanz Kids (Summer Specials)
- Bauchtanz Kids (Summer Specials)
- Bauchtanz Kids & Teens (NEU ab 5 Anmeldungen)
- Bellydance Kids, 6-12-Jährige
- Contemporary 1
- Contemporary 1 (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary 1 (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary 2-4
- Contemporary 2-4 (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary 2-4 (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary 4
- Contemporary 4 (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary 4 (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Choreografie (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Choreografie (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Improvisation (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Kids (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Kids (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Kids & Teens (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Kids & Teens (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Kids 1-2
- Contemporary Kids 2
- Contemporary Kids 2-3
- Contemporary Partnering (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Teens (Summer Specials)
- Contemporary Teens 2-3
- Contemporary Teens 3-4
- Contemporary Teens Probe
- FCBD®Style (ATS®)
- FCBD®Style (ATS®) Level 1-2
- FCBD®Style 1-2 (Summer Specials)
- Flamenco Fan Dialect (live im Studio)
- Floorwork (Summer Specials)
- Floorwork Easy Basics & Stretch Out (Summer Specials)
- freies Training "Flowing Socks"
- Fusion Bellydance (Summer Specials)
- Gemeinsam tanzen - Partnering und Hebungen für Kids & Teens
- How to Hafla Mini Workshop
- Kids Halloween Special 7- bis 10-Jährige
- Kindertanz 3- bis 7-J. (Summer Specials)
- Kindertanz 3- bis 7-J. (Summer Specials)
- Kopie von Yogilates for Dancers
- Minis Halloween Special 4- bis 6-Jährige
- Move into the Night - Tanzimprovisation (Summer Specials)
- Osterferienprogramm: Contemporary Choreografie Workshop
- Osterferienprogramm: Contemporary Choreografie Workshop
- Osterferienprogramm: Contemporary Level 2-3
- Osterferienprogramm: Floorwork und Tanzakrobatik
- Osterferienprogramm: Floorwork und Tanzakrobatik
- Osterferienprogramm: Floorwork und Tanzakrobatik - Freies Training
- Osterferienprogramm: Just Move! Contemporary Improvisation
- Osterferienprogramm: Probe Glitter & Gold, Contemporary Kids 1
- Osterferienprogramm: Probe Glitter & Gold, Contemporary Kids 1-2, Mo 16:00 / Do 15:40
- Osterferienprogramm: Probe Glitzer, Ballett Vorstufe
- Osterferienprogramm: Probe Glitzer, Ballett Vorstufe, Mi 15:40
- Osterferienprogramm: Probe Glitzer, Contemporary Kids & Teens
- Osterferienprogramm: Probe Glitzer, Contemporary Kids & Teens, Mi 17:50
- Osterferienprogramm: Probe Kitty Gritty Crew, Contemporary Kids & Teens 2-3
- Osterferienprogramm: Probe Kitty Gritty Crew, Contemporary Kids & Teens, Mo 17:05
- Osterspecial: Bauchtanz Kids, 6-12-Jährige
- Osterspecial: FCBD(R)Style Open Flow
- Osterspecial: Osterhasenschule (Kindertanz)
- Osterspecial: Tanzen mit Zimbeln
- Pilates (Summer Specials)
- Stretch & Relax - Beweglich durch den Herbst
- Stretch'n'Strength (Summer Specials)
- Stretching (Summer Specials)
- Stretching (Summer Specials)
- Stretching (Summer Specials)
- Workshop: Achtsam tanzen (Summer Specials)
- Workshop: Partnering Basics (Summer Specials)
- Workshop: Tanzen kommt von innen - Improvisation (Summer Specials)
- Yogilates (Summer Specials)
- Yogilates for Dancers - Happy Hips
- Yogilates for Dancers - Happy Hips
- Yogilates for Dancers (NEU ab 5 Anmeldungen)
- Yogilates for Dancers (NEU ab 5 Anmeldungen)
* All prices including VAT