Live Online Workshop mit Prashant: Strong Roots with Standing Poses am 16. Mai (Online Übertragung)

Online stream
Startet am Saturday, 16/05/2020
Price from 24.00 €


So, you’ve nailed your Triangle Pose. News Flash: Like all standing poses, it’s way more complicated than you think! In fact, standing poses are the most challenging postures in yoga. Not only that, but the key to accessing many fancy, “advanced” postures lies in your understanding of the principles and actions of standing poses. This workshop will clean up your alignment, teach you the fundamentals of standing postures, and deepen your overall practice. It’s time to get clear!

In this workshop, you’ll learn: - The alignment and applied anatomy of standing postures. - Variations that will highlight and clarify key actions. - Modifications to accommodate your unique body.

This workshop is addressed to experienced practitioners and yoga teachers.

Online Workshop via Zoom

Um dich vor Beginn des Yoga-Workshops nicht hetzen zu brauchen, empfehlen wir dir, dich vorab für den Online Workshop vorzubereiten:

Zur Online-Übertragung lade dir die dafür nötige Software oder App, des kostenfreien Streaming-Anbieters Zoom auf dein Gerät herunter, das du für den Online Workshop verwenden möchtest. Klicke für die kostenlose Software hier.

Ab 15 Minuten vor Beginn des Workshops wird der Button “Jetzt zum Online-Stream” grün (oder rot) und der Online Workshop damit zugänglich. Mit einem Klick auf den Button “Jetzt zum Online-Stream” wirst du auf die Seite von Zoom weitergeleitet und du bist live dabei!

Bereite deinen Platz zum Yoga praktizieren vor, dabei benötigst du nicht unbedingt die normalen Yogahilfsmittel. Halte bitte z.B. ein oder zwei dicke Bücher o.ä. (als Ersatz für Blöcke) und einen Hosengürtel oder einen dünnen Schal (als Ersatz für den Yogagurt) bereit. Als Ersatz für ein Meditationskissen eignet sich vielleicht ein Sofakissen oder eine mehrfach gefaltete Decke mit dicken Büchern darunter. Lege dir für die Endentspannung am besten auch schon eine Decke bereit.

Workshop Preise

• 24€ pro Workshop bei Buchung bis zum 06.05. danach 28€

Ermäßigung für Teilnehmer/innen vom Yoga-Moment und Student(inn)en:

• 19€ pro Workshop bei Buchung bis zum 06.05. danach 24€

Online stream

There is an online stream available for this activity. To participate, take the following steps:

  • This studio uses Zoom as their online streaming provider. Download the according app to your laptop, tablet or smartphone
  • Access to the online livestream is available 15 minutes before the start of the activity. Simply go to "My bookings" and click on "Join online stream now" to be redirected to the corresponding page
  • With some streaming providers (e.g. Zoom) it is possible for participants to see each other. However, it is theoretically possible to deactivate the camera function. The name you enter when entering the online meeting room is displayed to other participants. However, you can always change your name (e.g. only the initials). Please note: Individual rules for online participation may apply for each class or venue.

Teacher :

Prashant aus Indien

Hi, I'm Prashant Tewatia. I was born in Haryana, north India, but have made my home south in Goa now for over a decade. My introduction to yoga came at an early age, watching my grandfather practice every morning at home. It was not until I left India for college in Ireland that I truly realised my passion for it, however; looking back I think travel allowed me to view my traditional values in a new light. It is now 14 years since I returned home, bringing with me a clear intention for learning and teaching yoga, martial arts, chi gung and other somatic movement practices. Asked which style of yoga I advocate these days I think I would be hard pressed to answer; living in Goa I've been blessed to work with practices and practitioners from all over the world and grabbed every opportunity to dive deep into whatever life presented in order to understand what works, how it works and how to develop my own unique synergy. I believe this broad-based approach has allowed me to distil some of the principles common to these various practices, as well as how to share them more efficiently and enjoyably with my students. From October to March I run Udaan - Yoga & Movement Clinic in Goa and the rest of the months are spent travelling and teaching in Europe. Mehr zu Prashant Tewatia und seinem Yogastudio in Goa findest du hier: Instagram - Prashant_tewatia


1.16/05/202010:00 - 13:00Holtenauer Straße 146, 24105 KielPrashant aus Indien


siehe AGB

* All prices including VAT