Workshop with Usha Devi

Starts on Friday, 22/07/2022
Price 20.00 €


We are very lucky that now already the fifth time Usha Devi comes to us from India.

Usha Devi has been living in India since 1985, serving at Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas in Rishikesh. In 1993, she began to study yoga with the world famous Yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar. She spends several months each year at the Iyengar Institute in Pune. In her teaching, Usha Devi is very precise and strict. As a result, her students are often astonished by the level of personal application and awareness that they are able to achieve during her classes. For many, the first impression is of a hard, demanding teacher; but students quickly realize that Usha Devi`s disciplined approach arises from a genuine love for others and a natural selflessness which enables her to form a unique relationship with her students. Under her continual guidance, students reach a deeper level of their yoga practice. Her ironic sense of humor and her forthright common sense contribute to making her something of a legend in the Yoga community. In 1998, Usha Devi was involved in a serious road accident in which she suffered severe injuries. After six months in the hospital, many operations, and over a year confined to bed; she spent the following two years in plaster casts, undergoing constant medical treatment. In March 2001, Usha Devi slowly returned to limited normal activities; and then in September of that year, she was fit enough to travel to Pune to study with B.K.S. Iyengar personally at his Yoga Institute. Five years later, while on the way to recovery, a second car accident fractured both her femurs, putting her back into the hospital for yet more operations. The full story of her experiences can be found on the page Yoga Rahasya. Usha Devi has no doubt that her recovery has occurred only with the help of Guruji, his yoga instruction, and his blessings.

When: 22-24.7.22 Friday: 18.00 - 20.00 Saturday and Sunday: 9.00 - 11.00 and 14.00 - 16.00

Where: The workshop with Usha Devi happens for all parts in the Iyengar Yoga Center Amberg. Marienstr. 8 / 92224 Amberg / Germany (

Price: The price for all the workshop is 250 Euro. 20 Euro you have to pay to register and 230 Euro you will pay in Cash on arrival directly to Usha Devi.

language of the workshop: English

Props: You will find all the props you need in the venue of the workshop. This is including mats a thin and a thick mat, blankets, foam for Sarvangasana, blocks, bolster, strap and chair. If you need anything special besides those props you can ask us, if we can provide it for you.

Hotels: Go to You will find under Seminars the description of this workshop and at the end of the row a Link to a list with recommended Hotels.


1.22/07/202218:00 - 20:00Marienstr. 8, 92224 Ambergnot specified
2.23/07/202209:00 - 11:00Marienstr. 8, 92224 Ambergnot specified
3.23/07/202214:00 - 16:00Marienstr. 8, 92224 Ambergnot specified
4.24/07/202209:00 - 11:00Marienstr. 8, 92224 Ambergnot specified
5.24/07/202214:00 - 16:00Marienstr. 8, 92224 Ambergnot specified


The deposit can be paid back 2 weeks before the start of the workshop. The remaining 230 Euro have to be paid in Cash on arrival in Amberg.

* All prices including VAT