Slow Flow Heart-Openers | Backbends

Startet am Sunday, 20/09/2020
Price from 45.00 €



Backbends are a beautiful balance of grounding and rooting while learning to become fluid and receptive. Learn alignment principles that are inherent in simple backbends such as cobra, locust and upward dog; while integrating complementary hip + shoulder openers and energetic keys that will help you advance toward more deeper heart-openers such as Raja-Kapotasana (King Pigeon), Naturajasana (Cosmic Dancer), and Vrichikasana (Scorpion) A full Vinyasa practice of creative sun salutations, standing poses, complimentary core work, twists and inversions. Sometimes students are fearful of backbends because of back-pain. Learn the actions and proper preparation that can make backbends pain-free and truly blissful!

Teacher :

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1.20/09/202011:00 - 13:30Mittelweg 146, 20148 HamburgSimon


Der 'Slow Flow Heart-Openers' Workshop kann bis zu 72 Stunden vorab gebucht werden. Danach werden die kompletten Workshop-Gebühren, auch bei Nichterscheinen, oder kurzfristiger Absage einbehalten.

* All prices including VAT