3-Day Yoga Biomechanics Flagship Course with Jules Mitchell (Wahlmodul)

Startet am Friday, 02/06/2023
Price 550.00 €


Yoga Biomechanics If you are a body-nerd, science-buff, or simply curious about how to create positive adaptations through your asana practice, this course is for you! Join Jules Mitchell for a 3-day intensive that weaves together asana with the basics of biomechanics to take your knowledge and teaching confidence to the next level. The latest research and foundational principles of exercise science are discussed in an easy-to-understand, practical way that builds body awareness and will immediately impact the way you teach and practice yoga. A sample of discussion and interactive topics include:

Differentiate between anatomy and biomechanics Improve range of motion without stretching Discuss where yoga asana fits into load management Explore how tendons and similar connective tissues respond and adapt to loads Unpack how we define injuries and how to best communicate about them Create more clarity and accuracy in alignment cues Consider specific cueing and intentional loading to promote mobility and skill Examine the fascinating role of pain science in the yoga experience Appreciate how to individualize and enhance poses with creative prop placement Play with unique and effective tools such as isometrics and resistance stretching

*Das Modul ist als Workshop für die 200+- Std. Ausbildung anrechenbar.

Der Workshop findet in einem unserer beiden Studios in Charlottenburg oder Zehlendorf statt. Nähere Informationen werden bekannt gegeben.


1.02/06/202310:00 - 17:00Martin-Buber-Straße 23, 14163 Berlinnot specified
2.03/06/202310:00 - 17:00Martin-Buber-Straße 23, 14163 Berlinnot specified
3.04/06/202310:00 - 17:00Martin-Buber-Straße 23, 14163 Berlinnot specified


– Rücktritt bis 60 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 25 % des Veranstaltungspreises, – ab 59. bis 30. Tag vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 50 % des Veranstaltungspreises, – ab 29. Tag bis 7. Tag vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 75 % des Veranstaltungspreises, – ab 6. Tag vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 100 % des Veranstaltungspreises.


* All prices including VAT