Yin/Insight Yoga Compassionate Presence – Workshop with Sarah Powers - 9 Std.

Starts on Friday, 07/06/2024
Price 240.00 €


Yin/Yang yoga and Buddhist meditation

The practices of yoga and meditation provide the potential for living with gentleness and insight. In our yoga sessions, we can clear the body and mind
of extraneous, depleting elements while enhancing our awareness and vital energy or Qi. Studying and practicing the Buddha Dharma, we can both enhance
a recognition of our basic goodness, as well as adopting skillful ways of being with the obstacles to simple presence.

3-day workshop

In this 3-day intensive Sarah will offer balanced yoga sequences each day while also focusing on the classic hindrances that visit us in our meditation practiceand beyond. Sarah’s guidance will help us forge a more conscious relationship with our deeper values and the patterns that block their expression. When focused on regularly, these practices can help us to relax more into a natural state of openness and clarity, on and off the mat.


On Friday she will focus on sequences to support our digestive health as well as our restlessness and lethargy in meditative practices. On Saturday, in the
morning session she will focus on our liver health and aversion, while in the afternoon the poses will be geared toward heart health and how doubt obstructs
us. On Sunday the poses will focus on the kidneys with the theme of how desire plays out in our lives.

This weekend is appropriate for anyone with at least 2 years of a committed yoga practices, those already familiar with the Yin style of holding poses, and those who are strongly interested in meditative and psychological awareness. If you are not very familiar with the Yin practice and Mindfulness meditation please read Sarah’s books INSIGHT YOGA AND/OR LIT FROM WITHIN.



1.07/06/202416:00 - 18:00Martin-Buber-Straße 23, 14163 Berlinnot specified
2.08/06/202412:00 - 17:30Martin-Buber-Straße 23, 14163 Berlinnot specified
3.09/06/202412:00 - 14:00Martin-Buber-Straße 23, 14163 Berlinnot specified


– Rücktritt bis 60 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 25 % des Veranstaltungspreises, – ab 59. bis 30. Tag vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 50 % des Veranstaltungspreises, – ab 29. Tag bis 7. Tag vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 75 % des Veranstaltungspreises, – ab 6. Tag vor Veranstaltungsbeginn 100 % des Veranstaltungspreises.


* All prices including VAT