Mitgliedschaft - Regular (Mindestlaufzeit 6 Monate)

99,00 / month
Minimum runtime: 6 months
8 participations / month



99 Euro im Monat

8 Besuche einer Spirit Yoga Klasse (live & online)

10% Rabatt auf Spirit Yoga Shop-Produkte

10% Rabatt auf ausgewählte Spirit Yoga Events

Die Aufnahmegebühr von 49€ wird separat in Rechnung gestellt.

Du sparst aktuell etwa 8 bzw. 10 Euro pro Klasse gegenüber einer 5er oder 10er Karte.

Payment terms & cancellation

The first payment will be charged on 10/10/2024. Afterwards, you will be charged every 1 month.
If you cancel the membership until 09/03/2025, it will be terminated on 09/04/2025.
Otherwise, it will automatically be extended at the end of the current runtime by 1 month.
If you purchase your membership online, you can cancel it online in the membership details. If you buy the membership directly at the facility, the cancellation must be submitted in written form to the facility.
By completing the purchase you verify that you are at least 18 years old.

* All prices including VAT