Yoga Nidra / Chakra Workshop mit Vamsi Krishna

Startet am Saturday, 20/04/2024
Price from 56.00 €


Workshop Doppel mit Svami Krishna

Samstag Yoga Nidra Workshop & Ashtanga Yoga Praxis
Sonntag Chakra Workshop & Yin Yoga Praxis

Beide Workshops richten sich nicht nur Yogalehrende, sondern an alle die ihr Wissen vertiefen wollen oder gern ein tolles Wochenende gefüllt mit Yoga-Theorie und Praxis verbringen wollen.

Vamsi ist Leiter der Yoga Lehrer Ausbildung bei Trimurti-Yoga in Indien seit über 9 Jahren. Seine eigene Praxis reicht über 30 Jahre zurück. Vamsi wird euch nicht nur mit seiner Erfahrung begeistern, sein offenes und herzliches Wesen wird die Werkstatt auch neben der Matte bereichern. 
Instagram: @yogawithvamsi


Saturday - Yoga Nidra Workshop & Yin Yoga Klasse:

This Theory Workshop is including a powerful Asana Class and Yoga Nidra Practice. Participants can expect an enlightening exploration of Yoga Nidra followed by an invigorating Ashtanga yoga session and a deeply restorative Yoga Nidra practice. 

What we will cover:

·       Introduction to Yoga Nidra: Understanding the origins and principles of Yoga Nidra, a state of conscious relaxation known for its profound healing and rejuvenating effects.

·       Science behind Yoga Nidra: Exploring the physiological, psychological, and neurological aspects of Yoga Nidra and its impact on the mind-body connection.

·       Benefits of Yoga Nidra: Discovering the myriad benefits of regular Yoga Nidra practice, including stress reduction, improved sleep, enhanced creativity, and emotional healing.

·       Guided Meditation and Visualization: Learning techniques for guiding oneself and others through a Yoga Nidra session, including progressive relaxation, body scanning, and visualizations.

·       Integrating Yoga Nidra into Daily Life: Exploring practical ways to incorporate Yoga Nidra into daily routines to promote overall well-being and inner peace.

·       Asana Class: Energizing the body and mind through a dynamic and fluid Ashtanga yoga sequence

A master class from authentic Indian yoga teacher with 30 years of practice experience and leading teacher trainings for over 9 years. 


Sunday - Chakra Workshop & Ashtanga Yoga Klasse:

In this Chakra Workshop followed by a Yin Chakra Class, participants can expect a comprehensive exploration of the subtle energy centers within the body, known as chakras, followed by a specialized Yin Yoga practice tailored to balance and activate these energy centers. 

What we will cover:

·       Introduction to Chakras: Understanding Nadis, how chakras are formed, the seven main chakras, their locations, associated colours, elements, and psychological/emotional significance.

·       Chakra System Overview: Exploring the interconnectedness of the chakras and their role in maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

·       Signs of Imbalance: Identifying symptoms of imbalanced chakras and their impact on overall health and vitality.

·       Balancing Techniques: Learning various techniques such as breathwork, visualization, affirmations, and meditation to balance and align the chakras.

·       Practical Applications: Exploring how balanced chakras can enhance overall life experience, including relationships, creativity, communication, and spiritual growth.

·       Engaging in a series of gentle Yin Yoga poses held for an extended duration to target the connective tissues and stimulate the flow of energy through the chakras.


1.20/04/202409:00 - 15:30Trierer Straße 49, 50674 Kölnnot specified
2.21/04/202410:00 - 14:30Trierer Straße 49, 50674 Kölnnot specified


Bei Seminaren, Workshops, Retreats gilt die schriftliche Anmeldung (auch per email) als verbindlich. Bei Abmeldung durch die/den Teilnehmer/in bis 2 Monate vor Beginn erstattet die Ashtanga Yogawerkstatt 75 % der Teilnahmegebühr. Bei Abmeldung bis 1 Monat vor der Veranstaltung 50 % der Teilnahmegebühr. Danach ist eine Erstattung nicht möglich.

* All prices including VAT