Cancellation conditions
21 September 2024
19:00 - 21:00
Summer’s fiery energy is coming to a close as we enter into the time of harvest and the Autumn Equinox. This is a time of gratitude and to harvest the seeds that you planted at the Spring Equinox. We will gather together in a circle for ceremony, song, meditation, yoga nidra, breath work, cycle work, poetry, writing and sharing.
This is the beginning of the dark season and the long sun-filled days are coming to a close. Together we will sing for balance, grounding and prepare ourselves for the cooler days and darker nights ahead.
The ritual practices that we will partake in are those that honor what we have, celebrate our prosperity, and express our sincere gratitude in a ceremonial way that can help to bring more balance and harmony to the fertile soil of our personal growth cycles during the early days of autumn.
In many indigenous cultures, there are four focal points of the year —the Winter and Summer Solstices and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. These focus points were believed to mirror the individual’s internal spiritual cycles or journeys. If we are attuned to how nature’s rhythms align symbiotically with our own, this consciousness may help us see how the phases of growth, harvest, death, and rebirth manifest in our own lives more clearly.
About Kendy
Kendy Gable is a musical artist who interweaves poetry, stories, and melodies. Her work expands beyond the stage, encompassing ceremony, ritual and interactive experiences. She believes that music, even though an ethereal art, has the capacity to create space and to hold listeners and the musicians themselves.
She is a performing artist, writer, and teacher with a deep interest in the interconnection of humanity, our relationship to the immediate environment in which we live, the natural world that sustains us and the rituals and ceremonies that enrich our lives. As a teacher and holistic vocal coach, Kendy guides singers of all experiences in deepening their relationship with their voices and ultimately with themselves.
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