Small Wings - Big Wings

Starts on Saturday, 25/05/2024
Price from 96.00 €


About the Workshop

Let´s give some more love and attention to our arms, to our beautiful wings, which can carry us into gracious flights and effortless lifts. We can paint and brush, swing and reach.We can expand our dancing kinesphere through our wings- they are continuing up until the sky !Arms are extention of our heart.They are connected to solar plexus, chest, spine - Rooted to our center, and the earth. Through arms we can navigate directions, reach, counterbalance, lengthen.

We can suspend, and hang in the air, we can stretch the time.Shoulder joint is a complex creature, the most mobile joint in human body, opening to all directions. Its connected to our core with many different structures : bones, ligaments, cartilage, muscles...We can initiate wonderful spirals and multi-dimentional movement with the connection through our arms. We can invite directions, and HONEYpulate the other, like aikido-sensei does ! By regulating the tone on our arms, “frame of the arms”, and around our shoulder girdle, we can support different ways of lifting each others, moving dynamically through the space. Twisting our torso, and directing our wings - can facilitate variety of pathways to spiraling shoulder lifts!

Arms are a great tool, when one understands how to use them. Great way to create connection with your fellow dancers !We will use different methods to learn about our arms - explorative bodywork, experiental anatomy, imaginary landscapes, specific technical information about functionality of lifts and mobile support, pathways, patterns and magic !Let's find out more about our wings !

About Vega

I am a dancer, dance-teacher, performance-artist and bodyworker made in Finland.I have studied dance- and theatre pedagogy in Finland, Helsinki- in Theatre Academy of Finland, from where I got my master´s degree 2008.Though, I would say my dearest high-school and university in contact-improvisation has been the finnish contact community, where I have learned so much from my collagues, friends and fellow dancers, by sharing the dance and rolling point almost 30 years... 

Contact Improvisation has been my lover since i was a teenager ! So - I´ve gone through many kind of chapters with the dance. Recently, I'm more and more interested in details, quality, fine tuning, listening, presence. Accompanied with deeper understanding of underlying principles of contact improvisation. 

Breath plays as well big part in my dancing. It brings me naturally into moments of momentum,falling, flying, swinging and bouncing. 

Technique & Flow / Form & Freedom / Poetic Bodies in Motion


1.25/05/202415:00 - 20:00Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified
2.26/05/202415:00 - 18:30Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified


In case of cancellation, we will refund the entire workshop fee up to 14 days before the workshop begins.

Up to 3 days before the workshop begins we will refund 50% of the workshop fee.

Later than this we do not refund any fees. The booking can alternatively be transferred to another person.

* All prices including VAT