Material for the Spine

Starts on Sunday, 10/03/2024
Price from 25.00 €


with Andrew Wass

10.3.2024 15:00-18:30

Level requirements: people familiar with CI who are looking for more technical information

Workshop Description

Intended for people familiar with CI, this workshop will look at some of the movement patterns of Steve Paxton’s Material for the Spine. Combining hands on partner work with solo exploration, we will examine the waves, spirals, and crescents vertically and horizontally. By approaching the material slowly and with attention to detail, this workshop will provide clarity of what the spine is doing when dancing. The clearer our intention is with our spines, the greater range for improvising we have when dancing.

About Andrew Wass

Hailing from Southern California, Andrew Wass is a choreographer, dancer, and researcher. His interests lie at the crossroads of philosophy, cognitive science, and improvised dance. Looking to dissolve the boundaries between academic research and performance, he juxtaposes corporeal and cognitive practices to discover their theoretical commonalities. These commonalities then reveal more potential in his teaching and performance practice. Teaching opportunities have taken him to universities, festivals, and theaters in Europe, the United States and Asia. Wass has performed in work by Nancy Stark Smith, Mary Overlie, Jess Curtis, Nina Martin, and Scott Wells, among others. A member of Lower Left and a graduate of the SoDA program at the HZT in Berlin, Wass is pursuing a PhD in Dance at Texas Woman’s 


1.10/03/202415:00 - 18:30Wallstraße 32, 10179 Berlinnot specified

* All prices including VAT