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The world needs people who live their purpose with joy. Who are happy and content with the life they live. Who take responsibility and help shape the world. Dannie Quilitzsch

We are the ones who have it in our hands.You are what the world needs now.

Live your true self! When you live your purpose, you automatically contribute to making this world the one we want to live in together.

My 6-month programme for changemakers and leaders who want to realign themselves or raise their full potential.

In the weekly coaching sessions you will receive valuable input through the transfer of knowledge, inspiration through examples and impulses for your own path, important tools, valuable guidance and the necessary support, to take the steps that will lead you to your goal.

I will assist you to the journey from finding what you really really want in life and aligning with your purpose to creating the life you dream of and stepping into your full potential.

This program offers you the opportunity to take your life to a new level.


You are so in your power that you feel you can do anything.

You wake up every day and are grateful that you are living exactly the life you have always wanted for yourself.

You have absolute clarity for yourself and your life.

You have a task that corresponds exactly to your abilities and that brings you joy every day.

You live your life with the ease that allows you to make courageous decisions again and again and to remain curious.

You are curious in every moment about what is to come.

You are in full trust that everything that happens in your life is just right for you to give you the experiences that make you live to your full potential.

You can also accept difficult times in your life with love and gratitude.

You are brave enough.

You have so much confidence that it is easy for you to say no to the things that don't feel good to you.

Your compass for your life is joy and curiosity.

You are able to bring yourself into joy again and again.

You can put yourself in a state of flow where everything in life feels like an exciting challenge.

You have enough confidence to think even bigger than you have ever allowed yourself to before.

Limited places: I take four new clients each quarter.

If you are interested, please reach out to me before booking: DQ@DannieQuilitzsch.com

In a free session we will figure out whether this program is coming at the right time for you.

Anzahl inkludierter Einheiten
18 Einheiten
Gültig ab
Inkludierte Aktivitäten
  • 1:1 Session with Dannie