Videothek Managing Stress guided meditation by Tenzin - 4

Managing Stress guided meditation by Tenzin - 4

40 min
Alle Level
IBE Travel Wellbeing
Verfügbarkeit nach Kauf
24 Stunden
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10,00 €Einzelticket
17,00 €Schnuppern / Test me
17,00 €Einzelkarte / Single Unit
39,00 €Wochenkarte - Subscription for a WEEK
108,00 €Monthly subscription one participant - Monatskarte für eine Person
150,00 €10er Karte / Block of 10 Units
260,00 €20er Karte / Block of 20 Units
300,00 €3 Months subscription one participant - 3 Monatsabo für eine Person
560,00 €6 Months subscription one participant - 6 Monatsabo für eine Person
960,00 €Yearly subscription one participant - Jahresabo für eine Person


Live Class every Monday at 09.00 am then as vidoe available Meditation during the first week:Calm abiding

Tenzin has gained a deep knowledge of mental well-being techniques and meditation through years of dedicated study and practise. Tenzin has trained for over 35 years including spending 15 years as a monk alongside HH Dalai Lama in India. Initially he was 3 years in meditation retreat in the mountains and then spent 12 years in the Dalai Lama’s monastery studying in depth up to PHD level. He is one of only a few westerners to have ever had this incredible privilege studying the traditional Tibetan language monastic curriculum. After this period and with the Dalai Lama’s instruction and blessings Tenzin decided he wanted to use his knowledge and experience to help others alleviate their suffering and achieve their best life possible. It is this mission which has set Tenzin on this path to help you find peace, happiness, and fulfilment through mental well-being.

Contact me for more information: Follow us at FACEBOOK GROUP: Facebook Page - Instagram - Und sign up für ein NEWSLETTTER ganz unten auf der Hauptseite eingeben - Check the videos on youtube

Über den Trainer/Lehrer

Tenzin has a wealth of experience in coaching people to train their minds to live life to the full. He has gained a deep knowledge of mental well-being techniques and meditation through years of dedicated study and practise. Tenzin has trained for over 35 years including spending 15 years as a monk alongside HH Dalai Lama in India. Initially he was 3 years in meditation retreat in the mountains and then spent 12 years in the Dalai Lama’s monastery studying in depth up to PHD level. He is one of only a few westerners to have ever had this incredible privilege studying the traditional Tibetan language monastic curriculum. After this period and with the Dalai Lama’s instruction and blessings Tenzin decided he wanted to use his knowledge and experience to help others alleviate their suffering and achieve their best life possible. It is this mission which has set Tenzin on this path to help you find peace, happiness, and fulfilment through mental well-being.