Videothek Lecture 1: Yoga Punks and Monks – a journey through Asana and Bhakti lifestyle with Raghunath Cappo

Lecture 1: Yoga Punks and Monks – a journey through Asana and Bhakti lifestyle with Raghunath Cappo

Alle Level
Power Yoga Institute Online-Studio
Raghunath Cappo
Verfügbarkeit nach Kauf
7 Tage
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40,00 €Einzelticket
75,00 € / Monat12 Monate Unlimited


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BHAKTI FLOW AND FLIGHT Freitag, 10.09.2021, 19.45 – 21.45 Uhr, Studio Uhlenhorst

Advance your physical & spiritual practice with Raghunath, infusing inventive inversions, brave balancing , sneaky sequencing & tricky transitions.

All teachings are peppered with bhakti yoga philosophy while class begins and ends with call and response chanting to set the mood. Let your own dynamic signature practice take shape, as you push your edge and realize your potential, no matter what level you’re at.

Raghunath will demystify advanced asanas and teach appropriate ways to add them to your practice. In true Raghu style this class is rooted in down to earth spirituality, and instructions for living a contemporary yogic lifestyle.

Change your mind, strengthen your practice, and open your heart.

Über den Trainer/Lehrer

BIO Raghunath, born Ray Cappo, started as a hardcore/punk singer-songwriter icon in Youth of Today. In a decadent music scene infested with drugs, negativity and intoxication, he was a light advocating clean living, positive attitude and vegetarian lifestyle, inspiring tens of thousands of fans internationally. Currently Youth of Today are on a reunion tour through Europe which is why we have the rare opportunity to attend his workshop during the day and throw ourselves in the mosh pit at night. He started practicing yoga in 1987 with esteemed Sri Dharma Mittra and Shivananada Yoga. The pettiness of the business of music and the untimely death of his father led him to India in 1988 where he dove deeper into the lifestyle and spirituality of India. He became a celibate monk at a Krishna Bhakti Ashram for 6 years where he studied, meditated and lived the ancient yogic texts. Now, he’s an accomplished yogi in many styles, and married with five children. He leads retreats, workshops and teacher trainings around the world. Raghunath is an expert at taking the esoteric yoga philosophy and making it understandable for the contemporary world.