Videothek LOVE SESSION REPLAY: "How are you?" with Karin Jorinet

LOVE SESSION REPLAY: "How are you?" with Karin Jorinet

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29 min
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36,20 € / MonatRoommate (monatl.)
74,35 € / MonatRoommate + Guided Circle (monatlich)
434,35 € / 12 MonateRoommate (jährl.)
892,50 € / 12 MonateRoommate + Guided Circle (jährlich)


How are you? This seemingly simple question has become one of the most difficult questions to answer since the pandemic started about a year ago.

We’re often feeling hopeful, anxious, grateful and bored, all at the same time. And rather than allowing ourselves to feel all of it, we’re often trying to suppress our feelings, because we believe we have to be strong in these unpredictable times.

But what if these feelings hold important messages for us? What if really allowing ourselves to feel all of our complex feelings is actually the key to being strong?

Karin Jironet, Jungian psychoanalyst, and author of the book 'Feminine Leadership: Personal Development Beyond Polarities', has a deep understanding of the complexity of the human experience.

In this LOVE session, Karin guided us in exploring our feelings and how they can help us navigate this uncertain world.


Dr. Karin Jironet holds a Masters in Linguistics and Ethnology and a Bachelor of Medical Science in Speech Pathology from Lund University, Sweden. After earning her PhD in Theology, Psychology of Religion, at the University of Amsterdam, she published on Sufi mysticism as a postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University. Trained as a Jungian psychoanalyst in Zurich and currently serving on the board of the Charter for Compassion and the Circle Economy, as well as on PhD committees internationally, Karin finds connecting with others fundamental to her methodology as well as a personal passion. She is always curious to communicate with people who share her enthusiasm for dynamic organizational transformation and bold, modern leadership.

Love Session from Wednesday, March 17th 2021