Videothek LOVE SESSION REPLAY: "Building a business. How your roots can give you wings." with Magdalena Pire Schmidt

LOVE SESSION REPLAY: "Building a business. How your roots can give you wings." with Magdalena Pire Schmidt

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29 min
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36,20 € / MonatRoommate (monatl.)
74,35 € / MonatRoommate + Guided Circle (monatlich)
434,35 € / 12 MonateRoommate (jährl.)
892,50 € / 12 MonateRoommate + Guided Circle (jährlich)


When we think about innovation, we tend to believe that we can find answers in understanding the future. But what if the key to innovation is reconnecting with your past?

In this LOVE SESSION, Magdalena Pire Schmidt shares with us what happened to her after leaving a thriving career at Google to start her company Heron.

With her trademark upbeatness and refreshing honesty, she speaks about her journey as an entrepreneur and what it feels like (versus what they say in the books).

A nomad at heart, Magdalena found herself hesitant to move back home to Miami after leaving Google, in her words ‘the middle of the Floridian swamp’.

She only moved to Miami to be close to her family, but what she hadn’t foreseen is that reconnecting with her roots would also fuel her business potential. In her talk, Magdalena describes the organic creative process that followed, and will reveal how a food show on Netflix helped her make sense of it all.


Magdalena Pire Schmidt is an entrepreneur, OKR consultant and executive coach. She’s been in Miami since 2019. Before that, Magdalena worked at Google for +8 years where she managed a global legal operations team.

Today Magdalena enables organizations to improve their execution by applying the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) methodology. Magdalena realized that the same thinking that helps corporations grow 10X can be used by independent professionals. Out of this idea, she founded Heron. Heron is a weekly accountability app that balances results and wellbeing through structure and human partnership.

Love Session, Wednesday, April 28th 2021