Videothek POWER YOGA MASTERCLASS - 2 Std - mit BRYAN KEST - live im MahaShakti online Yoga Studio

POWER YOGA MASTERCLASS - 2 Std - mit BRYAN KEST - live im MahaShakti online Yoga Studio

120 min
Alle Level
Veronika's MahaShakti Yoga
Bryan Kest
Verfügbarkeit nach Kauf
48 Stunden
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29,00 €Einzelticket
59,00 €WORKSHOPS PRÄSENZ & ONLINE - ca. 2,5 Stunden
250,00 €HALB-JAHRESKARTE Specialpreis bis 30.04.24
390,00 €JAHRESKARTE Specialpreis bis 30.04.24 NUR
690,00 €JAHRESKARTE regulärer Preis. So viel Yoga wie du magst - unlimited!
25,00 € / MonatSTUDENTEN*INNEN & RENTNER*INNEN Monthly Membership
29,00 € / MonatMONTHLY MEMBERSHIP - zum aktuellen Aktionspreis für alle von nur
39,00 € / MonatYOGA MONTHLY JAHRESMEMBERSHIP - regulärer Preis


Do you miss this guy? We do...this is why Veronika invited BRYAN KEST to give a live Masterclass with her on Zoom. This is the recorded Masterclass of June 2020 held by Bryan for MahaShakti online Yoga Studio.

Half an hour lecture and one of his great 1,5 hour POWER YOGA masterclasses. Bryan Kest’s Power Yoga Class is a well-rounded flowing asana practice integrating mental practices that enhance everyday living. The class is intended to invigorate your body and help you practice developing a calm, less reactive state of mind with dynamic flowing routines. In a Power Yoga class, you are encouraged to focus on the process and not the end result. This allows ALL levels of yoga practitioners to enjoy and benefit from the class.

Die 2,0 Stunden beginnen mit einer halben Stunde lecture, dann folgt sein berühmter Mix an Power Yoga Asanas und am Ende leitet Bryan eine wundervolle Meditation an.

Voraussetzungen: Der Workshop ist für jeden geeignet. Vorkenntnisse in Yoga Asana sind vorteilhaft aber nicht unbedingt notwendig. Die Masterclasses sind auch sehr gut als Fortbildung für Yoga-LehrerInnen geeignet, aber natürlich auch für alle, die einfach 2 wundervolle Stunden Yoga üben wollen.

Beginner to advanced are welcome! Highly recommended for all yoga teachers as well!

Über den Trainer/Lehrer

Bryan Kest has been practicing yoga since 1979 and has been teaching since 1985. He developed his unique, distinctive style of yoga, Original Power Yoga, in 1979. Over the years, this style, an amazing workout for the body, mind and spirit, has made him a well-known, popular teacher across the country and around the world. His mainstream popularity is matched by an authentic foundation in the ancient practice of yoga and a long path of development as a yogi (a practitioner of yoga). At age 15, Bryan uprooted from his native Detroit home to make a life change in Hawaii. He moved to live with his father, a doctor, who understood the benefits of yoga. Like many of us, Bryan originally thought yoga was nothing more than strange contortions, but that changed when his father introduced him to a physical style of yoga called Ashtanga. This appealed to him immediately, and he soon observed great changes in himself, both physically and mentally. Yoga quickly became his passion, one that would take him to India for a year to study with the great yoga masters of the world, Pattabhi Jois. He has been continuing on his yoga path ever since. Bryan founded and tought at two studios in Santa Monica, CA. He also teaches at workshops and retreats around the world; provides an intensive teachers training program; and is featured in his own Warner Brothers video series from 1995, as well as a newer video series and audio CD series. His most recent endeavor is PowerYoga OnLine. This on-line tool features streaming video of Bryan’s classes in Santa Monica, which are recorded live and streamed to students around the world. For articles by Bryan and more information about Power Yoga, visit