Videothek LOVE SESSION Online Exclusive: "Have you found your true self yet?" with Nele Clüver

LOVE SESSION Online Exclusive: "Have you found your true self yet?" with Nele Clüver

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16 min
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36,20 € / MonatRoommate (monatl.)
74,35 € / MonatRoommate + Guided Circle (monatlich)
434,35 € / 12 MonateRoommate (jährl.)
892,50 € / 12 MonateRoommate + Guided Circle (jährlich)


In this week’s WOMEN’S HUB Love Session Online-Exclusive, Nele, our Sister in Zurich and part of the WOMEN’S HUB Core team is sharing with you a personal story about “Finding your true self”. She is reflecting on how coming across a framework by former Harvard Professor Robert Kegan helped her to make sense of the decisions she took while still in her “corporate life” as a management consultant and how shifting from the so called “socialized mind” to a “self-authoring” gave her the feeling of finding her true self. (More on Kegan's Adult Development Theory here).

When we are chasing after a life in which success and what “good” looks like is defined by external beliefs and expectations from others, we might - as it was the case for Nele - end up feeling a disconnect deep inside us. But knowing that there is a next stage of awareness we can reach is reassuring and moving there feels deliberating. Listen to Nele as she describes through her own journey this shift to a more meaningful and fulfilled life.


Nele was always intrigued by the uniqueness of people, the qualities they bring and loves working with individuals and teams to make them thrive and create a happier and more human workplace. She creates safe spaces for people to reflect, find and share their own strengths and purpose.

After graduating from the University of St. Gallen, she earned her merits in consulting. Besides mastering the consulting toolkit, diving deep into the Financial Service industry, and leading the global marketing strategy and operations, a-connect as a networked consulting company and a place for freelancers to thrive, gave her the opportunity to experience part of what the future of work might look like and got her hooked on shaping a new way of working.

After taking a leap of faith and leaving the management consulting world behind, she is now the Co-Founder of the WOMEN’S HUB Zurich. Nele is also a Gallup certified Strength Coach and together with her partner Arjanna van der Plas works with individuals and teams to find, explore and use their strength to find meaningful work and live a fulfilled life.

Recorded January 6th, 2021