Dance! Global Fusion Festival Workshops @ Calaneya Dance Academy
Dance! Global Fusion Festival Workshops @ Calaneya Dance Academy

Dance! Global Fusion Festival Workshops


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Dance! Global Fusion Festival Workshops @ Calaneya Dance Academy
Dance! Global Fusion Festival Workshops @ Calaneya Dance Academy

When you book your workshop spots you can decide for yourself how much you are willing and able to pay for them, no questions asked.
As a global online event organizer, we are aware of the fact that money is not distributed evenly amongst all of the world’s regions and social strata.

That is why we are calculating our fees on 3 tiers: 

Tier 1 - I am low on funds or my home country's currency has a really bad Euro exchange rate

Tier 2 - I am doing okay for myself, but I don't have extra money to help others

Tier 3 - I have more than enough for myself and would like to support my fellow dancers by paying a little extra

If you are low on funds you are welcome to pay the lower fees. We are asking no questions about your actual financial status, but we believe that the international dance community is based on solidarity. If you find yourself in a comfortable financial position we are grateful if you can pay a higher fee. Thus, you are providing fair payment for the work of the organizers and teachers while supporting fellow dancers who are less privileged. 

Thank you!


Beginnt am Freitag, 28. Juni 2024

Mehrere Termine



Online Stream

Diese Aktivität wird im Online Stream übertragen. Um teilzunehmen, folge diesen Schritten:

  • Dieses Studio benutzt Zoom als Streaming Anbieter. Lade dir die entsprechende App auf deinen Laptop, Tablet oder Smartphone herunter

  • Zugang zum Online Stream ist ab 15 Minuten vor Beginn der Aktivität verfügbar. Geh auf "Meine Buchungen" und klicke "Jetzt zur Online-Übertragung" um zum Stream weitergeleitet zu werden

  • Bei einigen Streaming Anbietern (z.B. Zoom) ist es möglich, dass sich Teilnehmer:innen gegenseitig sehen können. Es ist aber auch möglich die Kamerafunktion zu deaktivieren. Dein eingegebener Name kann während des Meetings angezeigt werden, du kannst aber auch nur deine Initialen angeben. Bitte beachte, dass je nach Studio oder Anbieter individuelle Regeln für die Online Teilnahme gelten können.



Dani und Elena

Seit 2012 arbeiten Elena Sapega und Daniela Niemietz, intensiv zusammen. Nach zahlreichen erfolgreich absolvierten gemeinsamen Projekten beschlossen wir im Sommer 2016 eine eigene Tanzschule zu gründen. Unser Ziel ist es, aus unseren individuellen und gemeinsamen Erfahrungsschätzen zu schöpfen und unseren Schüler_innen damit die bestmögliche Qualität im Schulbetrieb zu bieten.



Zoe Jakes has been belly dancing for 20 years, and brings a playfulness and ease into the classroom that makes training fun! She desires to create an inclusive environment so all humans can enjoy the art of Bellydance, and hopes that everyone can experience the grace and fluidity that comes with training in this form. Zoe’s signature style of dance incorporates pop and lock isolations, elements of classical Indian dance, jazz footwork, and modern lines, with lots of folk Bellydance inspiration. Zoe Jakes is a founding member of Beats Antique and composes music for them as well as dances. She is known around the world for her unique stylistic take on belly dance, and is also an accomplished teacher, sharing her knowledge with the next generation. A versatile and extremely well-rounded performer, Zoe Jakes has developed an instruction style all her own and is a popular touring instructor, her workshops regularly selling out. In 2015 Zoe launched her own tribal fusion belly dance format, DanceCraft™. The purpose of this accredited dance program is to provide a structure in which dancers can progress towards an achievable goal and provide an opportunity to build a dancer's skills intelligently and clearly. This format applies strong technical training as a framework for artistry and creative expression. DanceCraft focuses on dance technique, strength and flexibility, musicality, choreography, improvisation, critical thinking, stamina, analysis, teamwork, belly dance history, teaching, and creating original work.



Devi Mamak is troupe member and artistic director of the award winning Caravan Dance company (formerly Ghawazi Caravan), based in the Blue Mountains, NSW, since 2000. She is considered one of Australia’s premier ‘Tribal’ Bellydancers, teachers and choreographers, having trained many of the top dancers in the genre. Devi has earned a reputation as a patient and thorough teacher. As a performer she is renowned for her strong stage presence and innovative, colourful choreographies. Highly sought after as a teacher and performer, Devi regularly teaches around Australia and NZ, Asia, Europe and the U.S.A.




39,00 €

WS 1 - Music is Boss! | Tier 1 - reduced fee

39,00 €

WS 2 - The Art of Improvisation | Tier 1 - reduced fee

39,00 €

WS 4 - New Fan Flavour | Tier 1 - reduced fee

39,00 €

WS 5 - FCBD® Inspired Zill Choreography | Tier 1 - reduced fee

39,00 €

WS 6 - Expressions in Dance Gesture! | Tier 1 - reduced fee

46,00 €

WS 1 - Music is Boss! | Tier 2 - regular fee

46,00 €

WS 2 - The Art of Improvisation | Tier 2 - regular fee

46,00 €

WS 4 - New Fan Flavour | Tier 2 - regular fee

46,00 €

WS 5 - FCBD® Inspired Zill Choreography | Tier 2 - regular fee

46,00 €

WS 6 - Expressions in Dance Gesture! | Tier 2 - regular fee

53,00 €

WS 1 - Music is Boss! | Tier 3 - solidarity fee

53,00 €

WS 2 - The Art of Improvisation | Tier 3 - solidarity fee

53,00 €

WS 4 - New Fan Flavour | Tier 3 - solidarity fee

53,00 €

WS 5 - FCBD® Inspired Zill Choreography | Tier 3 - solidarity fee

53,00 €

WS 6 - Expressions in Dance Gesture! | Tier 3 - solidarity fee

57,00 €

WS 3 - Flamenco Inspired Choreography | Tier 1 - reduced fee

64,00 €

WS 3 - Flamenco Inspired Choreography | Tier 2 - regular fee

71,00 €

WS 3 - Flamenco Inspired Choreography | Tier 3 - solidarity fee

240,00 €

Full Weekend Package Tier 1 - reduced fee

280,00 €

Full Weekend Package Tier 2 - regular fee

280,00 €

Full Weekend Package Tier 3 - solidarity fee


Im Checkout kannst du ein Ticket wählen um an Terminen dieser Aktivität teilzunehmen






19:45 - 21:45


Dani und Elena


10:00 - 12:00




13:00 - 16:00




16:15 - 18:15




11:00 - 13:00




13:30 - 15:30






(Noch keine Bewertungen)


(1) Should a participant withdraw their registration for any reason (incl. health reasons confirmed by a doctor*), the following fees will be withheld from them:

no later than four weeks prior to the workshop‘s start (if not stated otherwise): € 15.00 service fee

at a later time, for no-shows, non-participation or illness (even if confirmed by a doctor*): 100% of the workshop fee

*You will not receive credit for other workshops in such a case.
You can, however, assign your spot to an alternate participant. The payment claim will still apply to the original participant.

(2) The withdrawal is to be submitted in writing and is determined by the date of the email or the post stamp. The withdrawal is not final until the entire withdrawal fee is paid in full prior to the workshop. 

Dance! Global Fusion Festival Workshops


Beginnt am Freitag, 28. Juni 2024

Mehrere Termine