Weekend Workshops with Maxi Meissner @ YogaKula.Emden GbR
Weekend Workshops with Maxi Meissner @ YogaKula.Emden GbR

Weekend Workshops with Maxi Meissner


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Weekend Workshops with Maxi Meissner @ YogaKula.Emden GbR
Weekend Workshops with Maxi Meissner @ YogaKula.Emden GbR

Diese Weekend-Workshops sind auch einzeln buchbar.

  • Saturday June 1 Balancing Pranayama and Chandra Krama Yoga (Moon Sequence)
  • Sunday June 2 Intro to Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Self-care tools for yogis finishing with Restorative Yoga

Both Workshops are from10.00 - 13 Uhr

Investition: 55 Euro (105 Euro if you book both)

More Info:

Nourish your body, mind and soul - a weekend diving into deeply nurturing yoga practices, pranayama and Ayurveda

The workshops of this weekend are for everyone who wants to feel more resourced to deal with the everyday chaos of life.

The Program:

  • Saturday June 1

Balancing Pranayama and Chandra Krama Yoga (Moon Sequence)Connect your body, mind and soul, feel calm instead of overwhelmed, release unnecessary attachments and refocus on what really matters to you.

Chandra Krama, or the Moon Sequence, is an alternative therapeutic Vinyasa Krama sequence accessible to students of all traditions, whether young or old, whether beginner or more seasoned yogi.This practice invites the release of unnecessary tension while fostering a deeper connection of body, soul and mind. The practice encourages the student to accept and honor what is instead of wanting to be or go somewhere, fostering a deep sense of peace.Chandra Krama emphasizes the hips, groin, lower spine and abdominals, which will feel positively awake after moving through this sequence. The practice takes pressure off the neck, shoulders and wrists.

Practicing Chandra Krama helps you to let go of holding on to a plan, of attaching to what does not serve you and instead moves you towards taking joy in what is, on and off the mat. This workshop begins with calming breathwork (pranayama). From there we transition into a gentle vinyasa flow, moving slowly deeper while bringing continuous awareness to the breath and inner sensations, relaxing and soothing the nervous system. This practice finishes with a series of nurturing restorative poses. You will leave the practice of Chandra Krama feeling deeply nourished in your physical, mental and energetic body.

Chandra Krama was developed by Matthew Sweeney. Maxi is one of the two teachers in the Netherlands authorized by Matthew to teach this practice.

  • Sunday June 2

Intro to Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Self-care tools for yogis finishing with Restorative Yoga

Suitable for all levels of yoga practitioners.

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian science of medicine rooted in the principles of nature and comes from the Sanskrit language roots are “Ayur,” life, and “Veda,” knowledge/science. As the sister science to Yoga, Ayurveda complements the movement, breathing, and meditation practices of Yoga with spiritual health principles.Ayurveda invites us to step back into agency and self-responsibility for our health and well-being by learning how to observe cause and effect and gain a greater appreciation for the principles of nature and how they are also present and operate within us.

This workshop begins with an introduction to Ayurvedic concepts and shares insights and guidance on integrating some of the ancient teachings to better navigate the chaos of modern everyday life.Learn how to harmonize your lifestyle with nature's rhythms and discover practical Ayurvedic self-care rituals (dinacharya). 

An electronic guidebook will be shared with all.We will conclude the workshop with 60 minutes of Restorative Yoga.


Beginnt am Samstag, 1. Juni 2024

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Tide-Winenga-Weg 9, 26723 Emden





For more than 15 years, I’ve studied and practiced yoga, breath work, Ayurveda, mindfulness and meditation with some of the greatest living masters. I’ve paired this work with my extensive experience and understanding of the human body, psychology and western concepts of somatic psycho-therapy to create a unique somatic coaching and yoga practice. As a reformed (academic) perfectionist and high performance athlete, overworking and overwhelming my body and my brain constantly, gaining external achievement but lacking true contentment, I had to find a spiritual and more embodied solution, a path to freedom away from physical and mental overwhelm and suffering, and I’d love to help you do the same. more on Maxi: bhumiyoga.nl




46,75 €

Rabatt-Ticket für SAMSTAG (Für Auszubildende, Student*innen, Schüler*innen und Erwerbslose)

46,75 €

Rabatt-Ticket für SONNTAG (Für Auszubildende, Student*innen, Schüler*innen und Erwerbslose)

55,00 €

Ticket für Samstag: Balancing Pranayama and Chandra Krama Yoga (Moon Sequence)

55,00 €

Ticket für Sonntag: Intro to Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Self-care tools for yogis finishing with Restorative Yoga

105,00 €

Ticket für beide Workshops (Samstag UND Sonntag)


Im Checkout kannst du ein Ticket wählen um an Terminen dieser Aktivität teilzunehmen






10:00 - 13:00

Tide-Winenga-Weg 9, 26723 Emden



10:00 - 13:00

Tide-Winenga-Weg 9, 26723 Emden





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Weekend Workshops with Maxi Meissner


Beginnt am Samstag, 1. Juni 2024

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