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Bewegungskollektiv Berlin

Bewegungskollektiv Berlin

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    About us

    Have you ever wondered what your body is truly capable of? Can it relax and release tension? Can it be strong and powerful? Or perhaps fast and elastic?

    At Bewegungskollektiv, we explore these very questions. In our Movement Basics courses, inspired by movement training, we discover different qualities of movement. These newfound abilities are then applied and refined in sports like dance, acrobatics, or Kung Fu. Here, you won’t find fast-paced training; instead, you embark on a transformative journey. Our goal is not just to teach you new movements but to cultivate a deep awareness of your body.We place great value on building a community where everyone supports and challenges each other, allowing you to grow at your own pace.

    GER: Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, wozu dein Körper wirklich fähig ist? Kann er sich entspannen und Anspannungen loslassen? Kann er kraftvoll und stabil sein? Oder vielleicht schnell und elastisch?

    Im Bewegungskollektiv gehen wir genau diesen Fragen auf den Grund. In unseren Movement Basic Kursen, inspiriert vom Movement Training, erkunden wir die unterschiedlichen Bewegungsqualitäten des Körpers. Diese neu gewonnenen Fähigkeiten setzen wir dann gezielt in Sportarten wie Tanz, Akrobatik oder Kung Fu ein, um sie weiter zu entwickeln und zu verfeinern. Hier bekommst du kein schnelllebiges Training, sondern begibst dich auf eine transformative Reise. Unser Ziel ist es, dir nicht nur neue Bewegungen zu vermitteln, sondern ein tiefes Körperbewusstsein zu schaffen. Besonders wichtig ist uns dabei eine Gemeinschaft, die sich gegenseitig unterstützt und herausfordert, sodass jeder in seinem eigenen Tempo wachsen kann.











      Changing rooms


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    Hobrechtstraße 31, 12047 Berlin




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    Room Quality

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    Friendliness & Service

    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score



    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score



    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score


    Price Performance

    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score


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    Further helpful information

    About the Team

    The Bewegungskollektiv Berlin is a movement collective of trainers and movement artists from different disciplines. Our movement practice is influenced by dance, parkour, martial arts, circus, yoga and calisthenics.

    GER: Im Bewegungskollektiv Berlin haben sich Trainer:innen und Bewegungskünstler:innen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammengetan. Gemeinsam entwickeln sie eine Bewegungspraxis mit verschiedensten Einflüssen, beispielsweise aus Tanz, Parkour, Martial Arts, Zirkus, Yoga und Calisthenics. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    the room can be a bit tricky to find, so it can be a good idea to come a bit earlier. The entrance to the building is located in the second courtyard on the left side. Its a green door next to a bike stand. The children martial arts school where we rent a room is located on the fifth floor. Don't worry if there are lots of children in martial arts suits - it means you are at the right place :)
    You only need comfortable clothes and something to drink.
    if you are bored by traditional exercising and are looking for something new and fresh. If you want to make friends while training. Yes, we don't just say that as a marketing phrase - this is the main reason we put such an emphasis on memberships over fast paced drop in culture - it builds community. Also you may have some specific goals in mind: Maybe you want to achive your first pushup or pull up or you want to become more flexible or just feel better in your body. Some of our members initially started because they wanted to learn a handstand or a cartwheel but they stayed because there is so much more to explore ;)
    If you liked the training, rating us on Google would help us a lot!
    You can cancel the booking up to 24 h in advance.

    Available sports types and activities

    • Gruppentraining

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