Coaching Sport - Mental Coaching für Sportlerinnen und Sportler

Coaching Sport - Mental Coaching für Sportlerinnen und Sportler

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    About us

    Wir trainieren deine mentale Stärke

    Wir von Coaching Sport verhelfen unseren Klienten zu einer besseren mentalen Fitness bei Ihrem Sport. Sei es bei der Vorbereitung auf den Angstgegner, bei Nervosität vor dem Turnier, bei Ängsten nach einer Verletzung oder fehlender Motivation - wir sind Euer Ansprechpartner und Sparringspartner für alle Themen rund um die mentale Seite Eures Sports.

    Mentales Coaching - In der Gruppe oder individuell

    Bei uns findet Ihr sowohl Gruppenkurse als auch Einzelcoachings zu allen mentalen Themen. In der Gruppe wird die mentale Seite allgemein besprochen und mit Übungen flankiert. Im Einzelcoaching stehen Eure persönlichen Anliegen im Fokus und wir schauen uns gemeinsam Fragen, Herausforderungen aber auch individuelle Lösungsmöglichkeiten an.

    Buchbar über Eversport sowie unsere Kooperationspartner

    Wir kooperieren mit den Apps von Urban Sports, EGym Wellpass und Classpass für unsere Kurse und kurze Einzelcoachings. Falls Ihr über einen Kooperationspartner buchen solltet, nutzt deren App oder die entsprechende Auswahloption hier bei Eversports.











      Changing rooms


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    Further Straße 27, 41462 Neuss




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    Room Quality

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    Friendliness & Service

    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score



    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score



    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score


    Price Performance

    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score


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    Further helpful information

    About the Team

    Dein Mentalcoach Stephan

    • Mentaltrainer-Weiterbildung: Ausgebildet als Mentaltrainer für den Sportbereich.
    • Zertifizierter Unternehmensberater: Mehrjährige Tätigkeit als Unternehmensberater in Digitalisierungsprojekten ist durch das Institut für Betriebsberatung und Wirtschaftsforschung e.V. zertifiziert. Autorisierter Berater der Offensive Mittelstand.
    • Philosophischer Praktiker: Studierter Philosoph und Soziologe mit Fokus auf psychologische Themen. Mitarbeiter an verschiedenen Lehrstühlen sowie Mitarbeit an mehreren Buchveröffentlichungen beteiligt. Seit 2023 Eröffnung einer Philosophischen Praxis für philosophisches Coaching und philosophische Lebensberatung.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Es wird kein Equiptment benötigt. Alle Materialien für das Mental-Coaching stellen wir vor Ort zur Verfügung.
    Mache Dir bewusst, weshalb Du deinen Termin gebucht hast und welche Frage Du mitbringst. Damit hast Du Dich dann perfekt vorbereitet.
    Bitte storniere bis spätestens 12 Stunden vor deinem Termin oder melde DIch bei uns, damit wir eine Terminverschiebung vornehmen können.

    Available sports types and activities

    • Tennis

    • Golf

    • Climbing

    • Personal training

    • Meditation

    • Personality development

    • Mental coaching

    • Consulting

    • Coaching

    • Hyrox

    • Mediales Coaching

    • Personal Coaching

    • Trauma-Coaching

    • Mentale Gesundheit

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